Media and YouTube Links
Big History Website
Bill Gates, Introduction to Big History
Big History Creator, David Christian TED talk here
Big History and Salt, Erie Canal
Carl Sagan 1996 Interview with Charley Rose: We need educated public and government about science.
Text of Sagan’s remarks appear here.
Apollo 8 1968 Earthrise
Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot
Origins of Big History: from Charles Mann:
“Secular histories couldn’t provide equally grand visions until the 19th century, when chroniclers began drawing on scientific knowledge. A landmark was Alexander von Humboldt’s five-volume “Cosmos” (1845-62), which described the human story as enfolded within universal physical processes. Despite its length and inaccessibility, “Cosmos” was wildly popular and inspirational—Whitman supposedly kept a copy on his desk while he wrote “Leaves of Grass.” H.G. Wells’s “Outline of History” (1918) predicted the collapse of European empires, and the 12 volumes of Arnold Toynbee’s “Study of History” (1934-61) followed von Humboldt in size, popularity and unreadability. Most recently, David Christian’s “Maps of Time” (2004), an amazing work that begins with the Big Bang, inspired Bill Gates’s crusade to revamp the U.S. history curriculum.”
David Christian, ScienceNordic: Why We Need a Modern Origin Story Today 3/19/19 Introduction to Big History here
Carl Sagan Quotations: Starstuff
(1) (Where did the ideas for Big History start?) Carl Sagan additional video clips Montage
Carl Sagan “Combustible mixture of ignorance and power” (1/2 way through) here
Neil deGrasse Tyson explains starstuff
Neil deGrasse Tyson on his book, Astrophysics for People in a Hurry
Tyson with Colbert on Starry Messenger.
Tyson, awake at night on Colbert here, plus here
Generation X Exoplanets deGrasse Tyson
Larry King interviews Neil deGrasse Tyson, November 2017 on a variety of topics
Global Warming in the Paleocene Global Thermal Maximum
Science & Scientific Method.Neil deGrasse Tyson: Whipped Cream and the Scientific Method here
“We used to think (x) . . . . but now we know (y)
The earth is flat vs. Cholesterol is bad/good.
Neil deGrasse Tyson on science vs. belief: climate change, politics, etc.
Richard Dawkins on The Selfish Gene
Evolution of Sample Hominid Fragments
Science and the Origins of Languages: Ted Talk here
Neil deGrasse Tyson: God of the Gap
Abiogenesis explained
Abiogenesis video with Neil deGrasse Tyson
origin video (still has lightning not black smokers) here
Population of the worlds largest cities, 1500 to the Present
SETI (Search for Extraterrestial Intelligence) projects: Exoplanets;; super earths;;
scientific Method schematic and history
North American Plate